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The earth’s thin atmosphere is mainly composed of three gasses, oxygen(21%), nitrogen(78%) and argon(1%). In addition, small amounts of other water include water vapor, water drops, dust and ice crystals. These gases remain in place because of the attraction.
Although the atmosphere around our planet is rather small, it was still big enough to sustain life. It protects us against various dangers from space, including smaller meteorites and the sun’s ultraviolet rays that are harmful to us. The atmosphere is divided into four layers , like troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere . At the bottom of the encapsulation is the troposphere ( 10-17km ) height at which planes fly and clouds form. Above the stratosphere is a thin ozone layer in a 48km height that filters off most of the ultraviolet rays of the sun . Mesosphere replaces the stratosphere and extends to 80 km altitude, where there is formed so named silver skies formed from ice crystals. Above mesosphere is the thermosphere which is by far the largest dome covering the 600 km altitude, where the northern lights are formed . The top dome is the thermosphere which leads into the space.
Ozone ( O3 ) is one of the gases of the atmosphere that can be found in the ozone layer, most of it can be found in the stratosphere . Ozone is a molecule comprised of three oxygen atoms.
Ozone has three oxygen atoms per molecule ( O3 ) molecules are formed when oxygen molecules ( O2 ) dissociate into their atoms ( O ) . This change is called chemical reactions.
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