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Recently there has been much debate about climate change, the Earth’s climate has changed a lot in a short period of time and the temperature has risen. People wonder whether global warming is caused by human activity and us releasing bad chemicals into the atmosphere or whether global warming is only a normal operation of the nature.

Global warming is primarily due to the increase in Greenhouse gas emissions, in particular emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon dioxide keeps the heat which warms the earth from escaping.

Solar rays pass through the atmosphere and warm the Earth's surface, this heat is then reflected back into space.

The thicker the shape of Greenhouse gases is the more they keep the heat inside that increases the Earth’s temperature. When there’s an increase in CO2 (carbon dioxide) and other Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increase in global warming can be expected.

Global warming

There is a certain balance in nature, such as we emit carbon dioxide from cars and factories for example which the plants then convert to oxygen. But if we continue to cut down trees there won’t be enough plants to convert the carbon dioxide into oxygen, then the carbon dioxide goes into the atmosphere and therefore increases significantly. And thus the carbon dioxide accumulates into the atmosphere, thickens up and causes global warming.

Over the past 100 years the average worldwide temperature has increased by 0.75°C (1.4°F). 

In this graph we can see how much the average temperature has risen on Earth.

In the year 1880 the average temperature was approximately 13.7°C and now it’s approximately 14.5°C. The cause is most likely because of the increase in Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

used a rise in the sea level and with this many cities can go under the sea, even entire countries. It is expected that the Arctic Ocean will be ice-free in summers around the year 2100, the reserved area around the pole itself.


Precipitation increases on average worldwide. Hurricanes and storms become more frequent and more powerful, therefore floods and drought will become more frequent.

What can we do to reduce the chances of global warming? We can drive cars that emit carbon dioxide less frequently and recycle more often.

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